This blog may well be the shortest I ever write. Why? Because it's just a wee nudge, a nudge to think about what you want!
Usually the biggest 'What do you want?' questions come at Maccas (or a restaurant...whatever your style is, hehe), at a car yard or when you knock on your sibling's room door, haha.
I'm asking a 'What do you want' that is comparatively massive: What do you want in your life?
Sure, choosing what you want at Maccas can be tough and cause regret, hehe, but choosing the wrong thing to want in your life... now that could lead to a much greater regret!
Here is all I want to say:
What you want is who you are... It's what you think about and then do and so it's who you become.
What you want becomes your identity.
The things you do start to shape you and become parts of you.
Everyday habits become your everyday highlights.
Is what you are looking for and wanting and doing actually what you want?
So the lyrics, "Be careful what you wish for cos you just might get it...", from the song "When I grow up" by the Pussycat Dolls* really can hold true in a way.
*Disclaimer: This music group are NOT my usual source for wisdom, hahah, but always used to be playing out of peoples' fliptop phones back in intermediate school so popped in my head :P
I would love you to have a think...
What do you want?
What do you spend most of your time thinking about?
Where are your efforts directed?
...Are those things (the wants, what you think about and/or plan to put effort into) actually what you want to happen?
My big question for you is this:
What is your wildest dream?!
Please don't be scared of this question- the excitement of realising its answer should beat any fear :) #minimiseliferegret #maximiselife
I want you to brainstorm as If there were no boundaries (in time, money, peer pressure, expectations, current ability, energy etc).
See what comes up!
Then.... spend some more time wanting that and getting excited about it!
Then... take some steps (even teeny nervous ones are great!) towards that dream and making it reality!
Pick a star, shoot some arrows (not too haphazardly, hha, the goal IS to get near hitting a target.. and no other people please :P ) and I can't wait to see you rocket off in all sorts of cool and new directions!
If you ignore this wildest dream of yours, your life will always feel just that little bit unfulfilled/lame... so don't ignore it, want it!
Dream it up- everything was a dream before it was made a reality! ;) :D