When will something or someone hit me hard enough that you choose to act?
I mean hit not as in physical punch or whatever, but instead one of those blows to our conscience, our soul and/or heart that hits in some situations.
I really need to stop putting the things that matter to me & that I am passionate about on the backburner so I can keep getting the "necessary" things done.

The above random cartoon (sorry a rally bad pic of it!) was in a paper I read in November last year.
It shows a beggar with 'Help' on his sign, and everyone just walks by ignoring him completely, as if he were an object not a human in desperate need...
Then the man changes his sign to say 'Coin Toss Challenge' and all of a sudden he is making a killing as everyone gets involved!
This is a show of how we seem to need a payback- "How will this help me?"- in order to feel someone deserves generosity and/or our help.
In reality though, those who are most in need are those who are barren they have nothing in them to give back!... They may be able to work up the confidence and energy to give a feeble smile and thanks, but that may be it!
I am always thinking, "I really wish the world was a better place", "it's so broken", "so many hurting people", "can't believe the state of some countries"...etcetera...the list goes on!
BUT WHAT AM I REALLY DOING to move the world towards becoming that better place?
If I am waiting for an opportunity to give that pays back... I will never step out and do/give anything! The truth is that pure generosity is that carried out when it is nearly a certainty that they will not be able to repay me. But the beauty in this truth is that there is something special in such pure generosity, because it is a show of care for another, a show of unconditional love and a sacrifice on our behalf to build up another :)
I would love to encourage you to stand up for what you believe in and/or do NOT believe in. We let a lot of things settle in 2019, we try to be neutral on all topics, but neutral is not the reality- if we're neutral we're just letting whatever relevant extreme thing keep happening & cycles keep spinning.
To stand strong and act in love is a powerful thing!
I need to stop being fooled into thinking that "It's just how it is"...That culture, along with taking advantage of others, is the cause of the growing gap in NZ and worldwide between rich and poor.
The top 0.6% richest in the world own 40% of the wealth!! I find that unimaginable- so few people with such a disproportionate amount of money! How could they have pooled that much, when they have so much to give yet keep so much!? Cr-azy!
We form the culture by what we do, the stand of just one man can make a difference...
Reach out and help those you see in total despair, it may be you, your neighbour, your lawyer, your boss!
Let yourself feel the hurt of someone else and act. Don't let yourself wince more when you drop your phone or sunnies more than when you see a broken fellow human. <3
One. Small. Action. Can. Make. A. Big. Difference- even if its just acknowledging their humanness and existence with a 'Hi', a smile or $$
Don't wait for fear or a payback, love alone can make you jump. Jump over some walls today- build some bridges instead ;)
You can't help everyone, you can help someone!