Is being cool actually cool? I've seen it make a lot of people cold. Maybe it's the realisation that once you make it to being cool, nothing actually changes except people think you are cool...how do we expect this to boost our life quality?
It's something I've thought about a lot, with high school seeming to be the time and place to pursue being cool but then the end of that era has seen so many "cool kids" really lost in the "real world".
Employees and lecturers don't really have a system to rate your coolness...or a care in the world about how cool you, your outfits and your sayings are.
What's cool changes too!
How frustrating. One moment you're cool- you've climbed to that peak in your social status by saying, buying, sharing and whatever other things and then nek minit the hype is changed....off goes the beard, the thick eyebrows, the world "yolo", McDonalds, the car, the manbun, the bike etc that you worked so hard for.
What was cool, is now so last year including the saying "so last year", hahah, so you're kinda left hanging to try figure out who you should be now and what you should own and say now to regain cool kids status. These sorta cool kids cool down so quickly at times it must hurt! :o
I don't know about you but the coolest kids I meet are hilariously unique, oblivious of trends and therefore unwittingly trend-setting, super humble, energetic, and loads of other things that don't conform to what I'm used to. They're interesting, carefree and kind. That's cool...or warm or boiling!