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Reach further, stretching is good for you.


So I am a physiotherapist's daughter who is shamefully bad at stretching...

....therefore this is not a post to advocate for stretching because yep its good but I'm not a hypocrite hehe!

But stretching out and reaching for new things in life is something I love to encourage others to do!

Has your day been "ok"? If so, then that is kinda sucky if you're being honest isn't it? We aren't really having a good time on an "ok" or "k." day... really we're only just making it through.

I want to ask you why you have stopped reaching? Are you actually content or is there another reason. There always seems to be a hint of hope that there is a possibility of things being much better, more peaceful, more exciting, more applied, more comfortable or whatever you may be seeking and reaching for.

Is reaching going to hurt you? Well the things you gain (even just learn/experience) usually outweigh any damage.

Has it hurt you in the past? My hand is up for this question...

...But, my hand is also up if the question was did the hurt give way to advances and excitement!

Dream! You're not creative? You are. No honestly, I'm not just being nice or sucking up. You actually are and here's why... I'm going to ask you three things:

  • Have you ever dreamed?

  • Have you ever wished things were different/better/brighter/whatever-er?

  • Have you ever made anything?

If you said yes to any or all of these 3...then you are creative. You have the ability to think of things that don't actually exist and never have, you dream of things that haven't actually happened and you have made things from just an image in your head (whether a lego tower, a song, a handshake, a cake, a new running technique, a new hairdo..whatever it may have been). That's pretty cool if you ask me and it's really creative. You;re actually so good at being creative you don't even know you're doing it! Pretty impressive if you don't say so yourself eh?! :P Don't worry i said it for ya, you get gold star and a certificate even (hit me up if you need one of these for real) hha!).

So don't stay when you are if you're thinking of something more, reach for it, get the right stuff and people involved and you'll make progress at least! :)

Go go go! Whether you reach so far you dislocate something or you just gather the courage to extend yourself just a bit more than before then that is awesome. Go for it, do some stretching right now!


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