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Wombling around in the wop wops


The wops wops are a wonderful place! Wombling is also wonderful...I think..I have to admit I don't actually know what it is, hehe! :P

While down in Nelson working I did exactly this when I ran around Nelson Lakes one day.

I thought it was kinda cool that I would be running my first half marathon unofficially and an off-road one at that! :)

Turns out that running your first half marathon and doing so offroad is actually not easy it turns out...

...especially when you are somehow already lost within the first 20 mins, hahah! This is hilarious on hindsight but felt ridiculous at the time, I thought surely my map reading wasn't thattt bad!? it really was though.

I decided to stop running along random bits of path, trail or road that looked hopeful and just sat down at the lakes edge. Sitting in this little bay, I tried to enjoy the view (I am very much against the whole stopping-running-while-on-a-run thing :P ). I tried and failed to get google to help me on my phone+get some pics. A few minutes later a couple rolled down to the same spot I was chilling at and they sent me on the right path; path different to any of those I'd followed for a bit so far in my search, hahah! :)

Woohoo, "On the road again!" *cowboy/country sorta voice*

The track around the lake was so awesome; it went from dirt, to rugged rocks, to grass, to mud, to river crossing (slightly sketchy and left me with cold wet feet, poor me, but it was great haha) and back to dirt. I especially loved the tussocky mid-section, as i felt like I was back in Africa. :)

The views were too vast to process almost, everything was just massive eh!

I'm not gonna lie, for a few moments the trail and views faded as my legs complained, having surprised my body with its first half-marathon.

I had to have mantras chanting through my head to keep my legs turning over, "the Lord is my strength..." "those who trust in the Lord will fly on eagles wings".."ouch ouch ouch"...and so on, hehe :P

As you can see in the pics my final 'Yay, I',m finished' selfie shows a great energy level (not) and technique as I blinded myself with sunlight. But I'd do it again in a heartbeat. You should join me next time! Head off for a womble to check it out.

If you end up anywhere near Nelson Lakes...go nearer...check them out! This place will leave you feeling very small, but very impressed and in awe of our wee country! Yeyah NZ you are an awesome spot!


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