This blog is short and sweet*. *Disclaimer: No money back guarantee on the reality of that, it is the plan though. Sorry in advance if I fail, hha!
Just an outdated update on my progress from surgery back on October. Haha. I wrote this back in late December and is now late March and am posting it.
I joined the Tuesday post-work blast' with the Tasman Wheelers cycle club and was super nervous riding in a group for the first time in a few months and post-surgery and mid fitness-rebuild- with a new group of riders at that.
Also had to choose A, B, C or D grade to race in... so tempted to hit D grade for safety&a chance of winning (hehe) and then at the same time my pride wanted me to try A grade, hha.
I chose C for cool kids, hha.
The race was around the Hope circuit (yes... there's a town in Nelson called Hope...super cool, eh!?) for 7 laps then a grand finale up the famous Aniseed Hill. There were to be a king of the mountain and queen of the mountain named from each grade- the first man and woman to the top... with riches (okay...maybe not quite, hehe) of a king/queen of $!0 to be won. Mint deal! I thought to myself but, as was my debut ride, didn't expect to be going home with any dolleros.
The butterflies were let loose into the full energy of racing- sprinting, holding on, holding the front, smiling super wide (what can I say...I am a speed freak) and holding back my urge to gasp for air while pretending to be able to 'easily chat' with riders I ended up alongside, hehe. Maaate you're dreaming, those chats were not easy, hha, actually almost the hardest part of the ride :P
I promised to make this short story genuinely short, so: After the 7 laps and gasping and grinding my way to the top of the hill (which I'd never ridden before so had zero clue how long the gasping and grinding was going to have to be sustained for...not so wise...), I got up alive AND before the other women in my race.... so yusssss Queen of the Mountain!... pretty sweet feeling despite the burning lungs and legs, hha.
Paid back my $!0 race fee, sweet!
Never thought winning $10 would feel so awesome, hha, I mean that was an hours work riding to get it...hardly a good hourly wage. But it was the unexpectedness of it!
I've always loved riding my bike. My bike gets me everywhere pretty much and always has and hopefully always will.
The first time getting pushed off on my bike after the training wheels were removed- I felt freaked out for the first 3 secs or so!...but then I felt free like nothing much else and ooo that feeling of air flowing past and speeeed...
Biking to school was taken as the second** challenge of the day every day of the school year. **The first challenge of each day was beating my sister to our "favourite spoon" to eat weetbix with at breakfast, haha! ...what!? Ask my sister, weetbix just doesn't taste as good wthout the sweet victory that having that spoon signified!! ;) I swear that spoon may be the sole source of conflict during any inheritance decision making in the future, hehe :P :D
We always had second hand bikes and never had fancy gears. I first bought a road bike at the end of high school to fuel my need for speed, and have charged at it ever since and plan to till am old as/I and/or get the Queens letter when am 100yrs young, tehe. It was a huge investment, but gave and still gives me a huge grin each time I ride it...even with a headwind (...but more of a medium-level grin).
God gives each of us stuff we love- different people, arts, foods, hobbies, sports, songs, places etc- but we have to invest in these all to enjoy them!
You don't need to start at the top, humble beginnings can lead to great things...
....You just need to leave the start line and move forwards to higher ground!

Above: HUMBLE BEGINNINGS. Me and my sister over in Africa as mission kids on our bikes. #rebellife with no helmets.
I feel like in Africa, the things you need to be protected from are things which helmets are useless against. Plus our speeds of likely ~1km/hr (tehe) were hardly going to leave us with brain damage upon falling off... just pride damage :D
That is the story of how I made my move from humble beginnings to $10 winnings. Hehe.
If you want to win in anything you have to let the trainer wheels be taken off (or take them off yourself), practice, enjoy what you and then work hard at it!
Lacking control and stability of the literal (or figurative) trainer wheels in your life is holding you back from the rush of freedom, of fullness and of full success!
Where in your life do you still have trainer wheels attached?
Where should you start weaning off them or ripping them right off?
Take the leap okay :) Chase something... not held back anymore by boring ol' stability. Good luck!

NOTE: How red my face is, haha!
...Even after having joined a cooldown cruise past the berry farms and driven home, before thinking to take a pic of my oh-so-official womens prize envelope. Also seems my overheating self fogged up the lens, hha. ALSO NOTE: The styley, almost Bieber-esque helmet hair! Hahaha :P :)
Chur everyone.
P.S. Okay...this was not a short story at all. Crap.