The picture says it all...apparently my route choice through mudslides across running trails is not impressive, haha!
Ending up knee deep in mud and sinking further is not an ideal position to be in- really vulnerable in fact- and getting out of that position is deceptively hard...well, without losing a shoe or two at least, hha!
I made it out, both shoes and all+about 1kg of mud per leg hahah. Clay-like mud coated me and my hands (from pulling myself out), so I girl-guided it using overgrown grass fro the track edge to wipe it off as much as as I could then yolo-ed my way for the second half of the run, 11km to go haha!
The mud dried off and I was left with pastey mud residue and then pink warm legs at the top :P Every cyclist and walker I passed I was sure to keep a good level of eye contact with and distract by saying Hi and watch out for the mud hoping they wouldn't look down and see my strangely pathworked leg colours, haha!
I powered through the last 8km back on the road (...faster you go...the less visible you legs are right!?...roadrunner styles, hehe!) and gladly got photos of my state before removing all evidence of my sinking mud living the dream moment in the shower. Fresh start, down for some food :)